Code of Conduct
The chief objectives of the Site Steward Program are:
- to promote the preservation of prehistoric, historic, archaeological, and paleontological sites on the Santa Fe National Forest,
- to uphold all state and federal preservation laws,
- to support heritage resource preservation activities
- to conduct our activities in accordance with the Santa Fe National Forest Site Steward Manual.
Site Stewards will adhere to the following rules:
- Comply with Preservation Laws
- Comply with all local, state, and federal antiquity laws and regulations.
- In any activity not regulated by law, Stewards will be guided by
the Code of Conduct, the Santa Fe National Forest Site Steward Manual,
and the procedures established by the Heritage Resource Program
Manager, council and Area Team Leaders.
- Carrying or using firearms while conducting site steward duties is strictly prohibited.
- Site Stewards are the representatives of the Santa Fe National
Forest, will treat all users of Forest lands with respect and will
respect private property adjoining Forest lands.
- All prehistoric and historic archaeological and paleontological
data, including site location, site descriptions, vandalism reports,
maps, and photographs will be held in confidence by Site Stewards.
Public disclosure of site location and other critical information is
prohibited under 36CFR296.18
- Information about suspected violators of local, state, and
federal laws will be disclosed only to the appropriate Forest Law
Enforcement Officers and the Heritage Resource Program Manager, the
Santa Fe National Forest, District Ranger and the Area Team Leader.
- Stewards will not collect artifacts or fossil specimens on
National Forest lands. Any artifacts or paleontological materials
surrendered to Site Stewards will be surrendered to the Heritage
Resource Program Manager.
- Stewards will neither engage in nor encourage the sale of artifacts or paleontological materials.
- Site Stewards will not make news releases, give interviews, or
otherwise distribute information to the public concerning sites,
collections or steward activities without the approval of the Heritage
Resource Program Manager.
- Stewards will not engage in activities or accept positions that
represent conflicts of interest with the goals and aims of the Site
Steward Program.
- A Site Steward participating in any archaeological work will adhere to the Code of Conduct set in the Site Steward Manual.